Action in the Trial Court During the Appeal, Advanced Civil Appellate Practice Course, State Bar of Texas, September 2022.
New Discovery Frontiers: Rule Changes and Impacts from Both Sides of the Bench, Advanced Family Law Course, State Bar of Texas, August 2022.
New Discovery Rules, Family Law Section, Collin County Bar Association, July 2022.
Electronic Evidence, AI, and DeepFakes, Advanced Criminal Law Course, State Bar of Texas, July 2022.
Remote Court Proceedings: Are They Ever Going Away?, Conference on State and Federal Appeals, University of Texas Law CLE, June 2022.
Courtroom Transparency, Open Government Seminar, State Bar of Texas Annual Meeting, June 2022.
My So-Called Service: Defaults, Publication, and Alternative Service, Collin County Bench Bar Conference, May 2022.
Virtual Hearings in Mexico and Texas, Tiny Chats, National Center for State Courts, May 2022.
Virtual Hearings: the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond, COVID & the Courts Symposium, Loyola Marymount University Law School and the National Center for State Courts, April 2022.
Social Media Evidence, Nevada Limited Jurisdiction Judges Winter Seminar, Supreme Court of Nevada, January 2022.
Pandemic and the Courts: Opening the Path to Changes, Judicial Research & Training Institute International Conference, Supreme Court of Korea, December 2021.
Appellate Issues in a Virtual World, Advanced Civil Appellate Practice Course, State Bar of Texas, December 2021.
E-Discovery Case Law Update, Advanced eDiscovery Institute, Georgetown Law School, November 2021.
Ethics for Judges on Social Media, Annual Educational Conference, Federal Administrative Law Judges Conference, September 2021.
Technology in Court, Cross Sector Council Meeting, Infragard Houston, September 2021.
Virtual Trials: What has Worked and What Has Not After the Pandemic, Advanced Civil Trial Course, State Bar of Texas, August 2021.
New Discovery Rules, Advanced Family Law Course, State Bar of Texas, August 2021.
The Future of Law Practice, Law Teaching Strategies for a New Era: Beyond the Physical Classroom, Rogers College of Law, University of Arizona, July 2021.
Virtual Courts: Past, Present, Future, Annual Conference, National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, July 2021.
Presenting Your Case Effectively on Zoom, Summer School, Texas Bar College, July 2021.
Back to the Future: A Judicial Perspective on Courtroom Technology, Annual Meeting, State Bar of Texas, June 2021.
Temporary Orders: A View From the Bench, Annual Meeting, State Bar of Texas, June 2021.
E-Discovery and Social Media Discovery, Collin County Bench Bar Conference, May 2021.
The Path Forward: Remote Proceedings After the Pandemic, Regional Conference, Texas Center for the Judiciary, May 2021.
What Pandemic Inspired Practices Should Become Permanent?, Lawyers for Civil Justice, April 2021.
Views From the Bench, Mastering Virtual Advocacy, American Board of Trial Advocates, April 2021.
Should Judges Have a Duty of Tech Competence?, Technical Competency Conference, Institute for Law and Technology, Center for American and International Law, April 2021.
eDiscovery, Amarillo Area Bar Association, April 2021.
Implementing Technology Post-COVID: What Has Worked, What May Not, Advanced Child Protection Law Course, State Bar of Texas, March 2021.
Virtual Trials, Depositions, and Hearings in the Insurance Coverage Arena and Beyond, Insurance Coverage Litigation Seminar, American Bar Association Litigation Section, March 2021.
How Judges and Trial Lawyers Can Work Together to Dig Out of the COVID Hole, Business Litigation Section Meeting, Dallas Bar Association, March 2021.
Summary Jury Trials: the Best Kept Secret Jury Innovation that Works, Alternative Dispute Resolution Section Meeting, Houston Bar Association, March 2021.
Litigating in a Virtual World, Damages in Civil Litigation, State Bar of Texas, February 2021.
Upping Your Game in Zoom, Advanced Trial Strategies, State Bar of Texas, February 2021.
COVID-19 Discovery and Trial Procedure Disputes, Litigation Update Institute, State Bar of Texas, January 2021.
Real Appeals of Virtual Trials, Appellate Law Seminar, Tarrant County Bar Association, January 2021.
From the Bench: Coping with COVID, Aviation Law and Insurance Symposium, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, January 2021.
Virtual Family Law Trials: Tips & Tricks, Family Justice Conference, Texas Center for the Judiciary, January 2021.
Pandemic Jury Trials – A National Judicial Roundtable, Meadowlands Seminar, New Jersey Association for Justice, December 2020.
Remote Courts and the Future of Justice, Legal Profession Course, Harvard Law School, November 2020.
Zoom Court – Legal & Technology Tips for a Successful Remote Trial, Probate, Trusts & Estates Section, Dallas Bar Association, November 2020.
Virtual Justice Roundtable, National Center for State Courts, November 2020.
Practical Tips for Complete Online Trials, COVID, the Court, and the Future of the Jury Trial Summit, National Institute for Trial Advocacy, November 2020.
Zoom Justice and the Future of Court Access, Access & Accountability Conference, Yale Law School, October 2020.
Judicial Panel, Family Law Section, Collin County Bar Association, October 2020.
Practicing Effectively via Zoom, Conquering Technology in Criminal Practice, Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, October 2020.
Zoom Arguments, Austin Bar Association Civil Appellate Section, September 2020.
Virtual Trials, American Civil Trial Bar Roundtable, September 2020.
Holding Court Podcast, Litigation Daily, The American Lawyer, September 2020.
Court Systems Moving Into the Future, Legislative Conference, Texas Association of Counties, August 2020.
Strategies for Successful Virtual Courtroom Proceedings, Civil Jury Project & Washington Area Women Trial Attorneys, August 2020.
Virtual Trials – Constitutional and Practical Considerations, State and Federal Courts Webinar Series, Supreme Court of Illinois Judicial College, August 2020.
Virtual Trials: Lessons from the “Room Where it Happened,” Litigation Section, American Bar Association, August 2020.
I Heard it Through the Grapevine: eDiscovery, Direct Access, Social Media, and SCOTX, Advanced Family Law Course, State Bar of Texas, August 2020.
Viability of Virtual Jury Trials, NYU Civil Jury Project, July 2020.
Ripped from the Headlines: the Future of Courts, International Legal Technology Association, June 2020.
Doom, Boom, or Zoom? Trial and Appellate Practice in a Pandemic, Appellate Section, Houston Bar Association, June 2020.
Remote Jury Trials, Mac Taylor Inn of Court, June 2020.
Virtual Courts, Thomson Reuters, June 2020.
Upping Your Game in Zoom, Annual Meeting, State Bar of Texas, June 2020.
Texas Courts Respond to COVID-19, Conference on State and Federal Appeals, University of Texas Law School, June 2020.
Post-Pandemic Jury Trials, CCJ & COSCA Pandemic Rapid Response Team, National Center for State Courts, May 2020
COVID-19 – What We Have Learned and What We Will Carry Into the Future, Collin County Bar Association, May 2020.
Developing Plans for Resuming Court Operations, National Center for State Courts, May 2020.
All I Wanna Do is a Zoom, Zoom, Zoom: Conducting Court During Covid-19, Collin County Bar Association, April 2020
Virtual Court in a Pandemic: Platforms, Process, and Procedure, National Judicial College, April 2020.
Come Together, Right Now, Over Zoom, Collin County Women Lawyers Association, April 2020.
The Impact of COVID-19 on Alternative Dispute Resolution, Dallas Bar Association Alternative Dispute Resolution Section, April 2020.
Lights, Camera, Motion, Council of Chief Justices & Conference of State Court Administrators Pandemic Rapid Response Team, National Center for State Courts, April 2020.
Virtual Hearings for District Judges, Texas Office of Court Administration, April 2020.
Zooming into Remote Law Practice, Texas Appellate Law Podcast, March 2020.
Zoom Training for Family Lawyers, Family Law Section, State Bar of Texas, March 2020.
The Judiciary During a Pandemic, Ipse Dixit Podcast, March 2020.
Anti-SLAPP and Family Law, Family Law Section Bench Bar Conference, Dallas Bar Association, February 2020.
Discovery and Admissibility of Social Media, Litigation Update Institute, State Bar of Texas, January, 2020.
To Sustain or Overrule? Evidence in Family Law Cases, Family Justice Conference, Texas Center for the Judiciary, January 2020.
Child Custody Evaluations, Advanced Family Law Drafting Course, State Bar of Texas, December 2019.
Family Law on the Cutting Edge, Technology and Justice for All, Computer & Technology Section, State Bar of Texas, December 2019.
The Intersection of Alienation and Custodial Issues, National Annual Meeting, American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, November 2019.
Protective Orders A to Z: A Practical Workshop, North Texas Facing Family Violence Conference, Collin County Council on Family Violence, October 2019.
Privacy and Technology in Your Practice, Technology Summit, Dallas Bar Association, September 2019.
Privacy Protections Related to Electronic Data, Annual Judicial Education Conference, Texas Center for the Judiciary, September 2019.
Anti-SLAPP Dismissals, Advanced Family Law Course, State Bar of Texas, August 2019.
Electronic Evidence, Advanced Criminal Law Course, State Bar of Texas, July 2019.
Resilience Training: Performance & Interpersonal Management Skills for a Better Practice… and a Better Life, Summer School, State Bar of Texas, July 2019.
Ethical Issues with Technology in the Courtroom, Annual Meeting, State Bar of Texas, June 2019.
Intellectual Property Issues in Community Property Law, Annual Meeting, State Bar of Texas, June 2019.
Anti-SLAPP, Collin County Bench Bar Conference, May 2019. Family Law Case Update, Spring Regional Conferences, Texas Center for the Judiciary, April & May 2019.
Lawyers & Social Media: The View from the Bench, #TwitterLaw Symposium, Idaho Law Review, University of Idaho College of Law, April 2019.
Judicial Nominations, Alumni Symposium, Harvard Law School Federalist Society, March 2019.
Resilience Training: Performance & Interpersonal Management Skills for a Better Practice… and a Better Life, Essentials of Business Law Course, State Bar of Texas, March 2019.
Spy Apps, Fort Worth Republican Women, February 2019.
Roughing the Passer: Handling High-Conflict People, Dallas County Family Law Bench Bar, Dallas County Bar Association, February 2019.
Trial of a Custody Case, Innovations: Breaking Boundaries in Custody Litigation, State Bar of Texas, January 2019.
Defending the Accused, Innovations: Breaking Boundaries in Custody Litigation, State Bar of Texas, January 2019.
Expectations of Privacy—What to Avoid in the Digital Age, Dallas Association of Young Lawyers, January 2019.
1st Amendment and Anti-SLAPP in Family Cases, Plano Bar Association, January 2019.
E-Discovery: A Federal & State Perspective, Disaster-Proofing Your Practice Conference, Computer & Technology Law Section, State Bar of Texas, December 2018.
Online Impersonation, Revenge Porn and Other New Causes of Action, Women and the Law Section, State Bar of Texas, November 2018.
Protective Orders A to Z: A Practical Workshop, Facing Family Violence Conference, Collin County Council on Family Violence, October 2018.
Resilience Training: Performance & Interpersonal Management Skills for a Better Practice… and a Better Life, Firearms Law Course, State Bar of Texas, September 2018.
E-Discovery: Spinning ESI Straw into Discovery Gold, Advanced Family Law Course, State Bar of Texas, August 2018.
Authenticating and Admitting Electronic Evidence, Collin County Bar Association, July 2018.
Wiretapping, Hacking, and Illegally-Obtained Evidence, Family Law Section, Denton County Bar Association, July 2018.
Social Media in the Courtroom, Annual Meeting, State Bar of Texas, June 2018.
District Court Judges Panel, Advanced Administrative Law, State Bar of Texas, June 2018.
Civil Court Judicial Forum, NBI, May 2018.
Myths & Legends of Family Law, Collin County Bench Bar Conference, May 2018.
Spy Apps: Computer Laws for Civil Lawyers, State Bar of Texas, May 2018.
Tips/Tools for Practicing in Family Law Cases, Family Law Section Meeting, Collin County Bar Association, April 2018.
Family Law Case Update, Spring Regional Conferences, Texas Center for the Judiciary, April and May 2018.
My Rights and Responsibilities, Plano Youth Leadership Program, March 2018.
Wiretapping, Hacking, and Illegally-Obtained Evidence: What Criminal and Civil Lawyers Need to Know, Dallas Women Lawyers Association, March 2018.
Survival Kit Tech Tools for Family Law Practice, Extreme Family Law Makeover Course, San Antonio Bar Association Family Law Section, February 2018.
The Texas Court System, Allen Sunrise Rotary Club, February 2018.
The Postest with the Mostest: Social Media Evidence in Family Cases, Family Justice Conference, Texas Center for the Judiciary, January 2018.
Behaviors that Sabotage the Parent-Child Relationship, Innovations: Breaking Boundaries in Custody Litigation, State Bar of Texas, January 2018.
Online Impersonation, Revenge Porn, and Other New Causes of Action, Grayson County Bar Association, November 2017.
Ex Parte Protective Orders, Collin County Council on Family Violence, November 2017.
Direct Examination, Trial Academy, Collin County Bar Association, October 2017.
Myths & Legends of Family Law, Advanced Family Law Course, State Bar of Texas, August 2017.
Digital Dos and Don’ts, Advanced Family Law Course, State Bar of Texas, August 2017.
The Texas Court System, Fairview Rotary Club, July 2017.
Electronic Evidence: Cloudy with a Chance of Data, Advanced Criminal Law Course, State Bar of Texas, July 2017.
Online Impersonation, Revenge Porn, and Other Online Causes of Action, Texas Bar College Summer School, State Bar of Texas, July 2017.
Wiretapping and Electronic Torts, Frisco Bar Association Meeting, May 2017.
Illegal Evidence – Wiretapping, Hacking, and Data Interception, Sex Drugs & Surveillance Course, State Bar of Texas, April 2017.
Social Media and the Law, guest lecturer, Southern Methodist University, April 2017.
Revenge Porn & Other New Causes of Action, Dallas Minority Attorney Program, Dallas Bar Association, April 2017.
My Rights and Responsibilities, Plano Youth Leadership Program, March 2017.
Revenge Porn and Other New Causes of Action for Family Law, San Antonio Bar Association Family Law Section Meeting, March 2017.
Digital Dirt – Social Media Impact on Your Case, Innovations: Breaking Boundaries in Child Custody Litigation Course, State Bar of Texas, February 2017.
Trial Institute, Texas Academy of Family Law Specialists, January 2017.
Advice from Judges on How to Present Your Case in Any Texas Court, Handling Your First (or Next) Divorce Case course, State Bar of Texas, January 2017.
2016 and earlier
Online Impersonation, Revenge Porn, and Other New Causes of Action, Family Law Technology Course, State Bar of Texas, December 2016.
Reunification Therapy, Symposium on Child Custody Evaluations, Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, November 2016.
The Trial Lawyers Toolbox – Technology Tools for Litigation, Technology for Litigators Course, State Bar of Texas, October 2016.
Wiretapping and Data Interception, New Frontiers in Marital Property Law, State Bar of Texas, October 2016.
Restraining Orders, Protective Orders, and Peace Bonds, Collin County Council on Family Violence, October 2016.
Prepare and Present a Case for Final Trial, Family Law 101 Course, State Bar of Texas, July 2016.
Cloudy with a Chance of Data, Advanced Criminal Law Course, State Bar of Texas, July 2016.
From Private Practice to the Bench: Practice Management Tips, Law Practice Management Section, Collin County Bar Association, May 2016.
Presentation of Electronic Evidence, Collin County Bench Bar Conference, April 2016.
Everything You Always Wanted to Ask a Judge but Were Afraid They Would Know It Was Me, Family Law Section, Collin County Bar Association, March 2016.
SAPCR Overview – Presumptions, Burdens, Statutes, and Case Law, Family Law Section, Collin County Bar Association, February 2016.
A New Judge’s Lessons from the Bench: What I Wish I Knew While Practicing, Civil Litigation/Appellate Section, Collin County Bar Association, January 2016.
Wiretapping, Collin County Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, October 2015.
Inside the Justice System, Harvard Club of Dallas, October 2015.
Admissibility of Electronic Evidence: Present and Future Considerations, 2015 Annual Judicial Education Conference, Texas Center for the Judiciary, September 2015.
Safeguarding Electronically-Stored Information, DFW Chapter of the American Society of Appraisers, September 2015.
Electronically Stored Information A-Z: Acquire, Evaluate, Admit, Advanced Family Law Course, State Bar of Texas, August 2015 (with Ken Raggio).
Illegal Evidence, Plano Bar Association, June 2015.
Electronic Eavesdropping and Interception, Collin County Bench Bar Conference, May 2015.
Admissibility of Digital Evidence in a Family Case, Family Justice Conference, Texas Center for the Judiciary, January 2015.
Don’t Hack Me Bro: Social Media, Wiretapping, and Intercepted Evidence in Family Law Situations (Federal & State), Family Law Technology 360 Course, State Bar of Texas, December 2014.
SAPCR Overview – Presumptions, Burdens, Statutes, and Case Law, Advanced Family Law Course, State Bar of Texas, August 2014.
The Trial of a Family Law Jury Case, Advanced Family Law Course, State Bar of Texas, August 2014 (with John Nichols).
Social Media, Wiretapping, and Intercepted Evidence, Advanced Criminal Law Course, State Bar of Texas, July 2014.
Pro Bono Divorce Clinic, Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program, Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP, June 2014.
Real-World Evidence Traps, Texas A&M Law Clinic, April 2014.
Authenticating Social Media – Admissibility, 2014 Spring Judicial Education Session, Texas Assoc. of Counties, March 2014. PowerPoint
Handling Special Property Division Issues, Advanced Family Law Practice for Paralegals: Handling Financial Issues at a Higher Level, HalfMoon Education, February 2014.
Financial Issues and Same-Sex Marriage after U.S. v. Windsor, Advanced Family Law Practice for Paralegals: Handling Financial Issues at a Higher Level, HalfMoon Education, February 2014.
Illegal Evidence: Wiretapping, Hacking & Data Interception Laws, Sex Drugs & Surveillance Course, State Bar of Texas, January 2014.
Authenticating Social Media – Admissibility, 2013 Fall Judicial Education Session, Texas Judicial Academy, November 2013.
Property Issues in Divorce, How to do a Pro Bono Divorce, Texas Young Lawyers Association, July 2013.
Social Media Evidentiary Issues, 2013 Winter Regional Conference, Texas Center for the Judiciary, January and February 2013.
Non-Parent Custody, Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program, Dallas Bar Association, October 2012.
Preparing Marital Settlement Agreements, Texas Family Law Practice for Paralegals, September 2012.
Evidence Traps – Recordings, Intercepted Communications, and Other Illegal Evidence, Arlington Bar Association, 2012.
Inventories and Internet Resources, Advanced Family Law Course, State Bar of Texas, August 2012.
Electronic Evidence, State Bar College Summer School, State Bar of Texas, July 2012.
Family Law Legislative and Case Update, Collin County Bench Bar Conference, March 2012.
Managing Difficult Personalities in the Legal Workplace, Dallas Bar Association, November 2011.
How to do a Texas Pro Bono Divorce, Dallas Bar Association, October 2011.
Simple Divorces, Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program / Bassett Law Firm, April 2011.